7 Certification Every Background Verification Company MUST Have!

In a world driven by talent, trust is the cornerstone of every successful business.

The challenge?

Ensuring that trust is built on solid ground.

For CEOs, Team Leads, Recruitment Leads, CTOs, and Background Verification Companies, the quest for credible, global background verification services is a shared imperative.

How can you be certain that the foundation of trust is unshakeable?

Recent studies reveal that over 85% of hiring managers have encountered candidates who fabricate information on their resumes.

In a global business landscape, where talent knows no borders, the need for comprehensive background verification has never been more critical.

Enter the realm of certifications – the bedrock of trust in the background verification arena.

Today, we unravel the top 10 certifications that every global background verification company must proudly possess, empowering you to make informed decisions and instill confidence in your hiring process.

7 Certifications Every Background Verification Company Must Have

  1. ISO 27001: The Guardian of Data Fortresses
    • This certification acts as a gold standard for Information Security Management Systems.
    • It ensures your data fortress is impervious to invaders, securing sensitive client information.
    • It protects against data breaches, showcases your commitment to watertight data security
  2. PBSA Accreditation: The Oscar for Trustworthiness
    • PBSA accreditation is your red carpet, signaling professionalism and ethical background screening.
    • It’s not just about playing the part; it’s about winning the audience’s trust in your screening expertise.
    • Adhering to best practices, legal compliance, and ethical standards, assures clients they are in capable hands.
  3. Nasscom NSR Certification: Playing by the Golden Rules
    • The NASSCOM NSR certification is designed to authenticate and validate the credentials of professionals working in the IT and BPO sectors.
    • The NSR certification helps in maintaining a standardized record of skills, qualifications, and employment history.
    • Showcase your credibility and legal standing, gaining an edge in the Indian market.
  4. Equifax: The Sherlock Holmes of Data Protection
    • Equifax is your spellbook for solving the mysteries of data protection.
    • It provides credit reports to lenders and other authorized entities to help them make informed decisions about extending credit.
    • Be the detective, protect the data, and earn the client’s trust in the overseas market.
  5. PDPA Compliance: Unleashing the Lion City’s Legal Lion
    • PDPA compliance is playing by Singapore’s data protection rules.
    • Don’t be caught in a legal monsoon; carry an umbrella. Complying with the PDPA is your legal shield.
    • Navigate the Singaporean jungle with legal finesse, building trust in the Southeast Asian market.
  6. PCI DSS Certification: Guarding the Financial Fort
    • PCI DSS Certification is your armor against credit card info bandits.
    • Don’t let financial data be the damsel in distress either. Protect the treasure and avoid the pirates of the digital sea.
    • Ensure secure financial background checks and safeguard sensitive financial information.
  7. SOC 2 Type II Certification: Your Service’s Iron Man Suit
  • SOC 2 Type II Certification is the Iron Man suit for your services.
  • Don’t just be a hero; be a superhero. It’s about assuring clients that your armor is impenetrable.
  • Showcase your commitment to security, integrity, and reliability.


In the complex tapestry of global background verification, certifications are the threads that weave trust.

As leaders in the field, our commitment to these certifications underscores our dedication to delivering unparalleled services.

Trust is earned, and with the right certifications, we ensure that it’s earned right.

Choose a partner with a certified commitment to your peace of mind.

Choose excellence.

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