Reference Check Policy for Businesses in the UK: Guide 101

Picture this: a bustling marketplace of skills and expertise where young and standout professionals are in high demand.

That’s the trend the UK’s job market is currently experiencing.

As dynamic as this job market is, it faces a challenge – the need for not just skilled professionals but for the right ones who can seamlessly integrate into the fabric of your organization.

In Scotland’s business arena, where growth is exponential, this challenge is even more fierce.

Companies in Edinburgh, like their counterparts nationwide, are grappling with a hiring puzzle.

We spoke to a startup owner in Edinburgh to get on-ground insights.

They said, “It’s not merely about finding candidates with the right skills; it’s about pinpointing those who seamlessly sync with your company’s rhythm and ethos.”

It got our team at AMS Inform thinking, what could help businesses in the UK navigate such challenges?

The answer: Reference Checks!

Reference checks are a strategic necessity in the contemporary hiring landscape of the UK, especially in Edinburgh.

They emerge as the secret weapon, cutting through the noise to identify the candidates who not only possess the requisite skills but also embody the cultural and professional alchemy your company craves.

Why are Reference Checks Important for Businesses?

The need for reference checks arises from the complex nature of the modern workplace.

They serve as a reliable means to verify a candidate’s professional history, assess their suitability for the role, and mitigate potential risks associated with a bad hire.

In essence, it is a proactive strategy for building a robust and capable workforce.

What is the Significance of Reference Checks

Beyond validating a candidate’s qualifications, reference checks provide insight into their work ethic, interpersonal skills, and overall fit within your organization.

Global businesses, in particular, benefit from a standardized reference check process.

It allows them to assess candidates consistently across diverse cultures and markets, ensuring that the selected talent aligns with the organization’s values and expectations.

This consistency contributes to the creation of a cohesive global workforce, fostering collaboration and adaptability.

How Does Developing a Reference Check Policy Help?

A well-defined reference check policy serves as a compass for your hiring team.

It must encompass guidelines on who to contact, the nature of questions to ask, and the method of documenting feedback.

Here’s how companies in Edinburgh can get started on reference checks for free:

  • Online Templates: Utilize free online resources to create reference check templates. Platforms like Google Docs or Microsoft Word offer pre-designed templates that can be customized to suit your company’s needs.
  • Training and Workshops: Conduct internal training sessions to educate your team on effective reference checking. Leverage free online training modules and workshops to enhance your team’s skills in evaluating candidate references.
  • Peer Review System: Implement a peer review system where employees within the organization provide feedback on potential hires. This collaborative approach not only enhances the reference check process but also fosters a sense of inclusion within the team.

How can Companies Train Recruiters/Hiring Managers for Reference Checks?

Before picking up the phone or sending an email to a reference, gather pertinent information about the candidate.

This includes their job responsibilities, accomplishments, and areas of improvement.

A pre-prepared set of questions tailored to the specific role will help elicit valuable insights from references.

Here’s what AMS Inform encourages companies as well as candidates to do before implementing any processes/policies:

  • Candidate Self-Assessment: Encourage candidates to provide a self-assessment that includes their key achievements and areas of growth. This not only aids in preparing for reference checks but also allows candidates to reflect on their professional journey.
  • Open-Source Question Banks: Explore open-source question banks available online. Numerous platforms offer free databases of reference check questions, allowing you to select and tailor questions relevant to your hiring needs.
  • Internal Knowledge Sharing: Establish an internal knowledge-sharing platform where team members can exchange insights on reference check preparation. This collaborative approach ensures a holistic understanding of the candidate’s background.

What Could be the Questions to Ask During Reference Checks?

Crafting effective questions is an art that goes beyond the standard inquiries about job performance.

Tailor your questions to extract nuanced information, delving into the candidate’s problem-solving abilities, collaboration skills, and adaptability.

This phase is where the true depth of a candidate’s capabilities surfaces.

Crafting insightful reference check questions doesn’t have to incur additional costs.

Consider the following immediate solutions:

  • Behavioral Interview Guides: Leverage free online resources that provide behavioral interview question guides. These guides are designed to elicit responses that reveal a candidate’s past behaviors and actions, providing valuable insights for reference checks.
  • Crowdsourced Questions: Engage your team in the creation of reference check questions. Collect input from various departments to ensure a diverse set of questions that cover different aspects of the candidate’s abilities and experiences.
  • Industry-Specific Templates: Explore industry-specific reference check question templates available for free. These templates are often tailored to the unique requirements of specific roles and industries, saving time and effort in crafting questions from scratch.

What are Some Additional Points to Keep in Mind for Reference Checks?

  1. Watch Out for Red Flags: Reference checks are not just about affirming a candidate’s strengths but also identifying potential red flags. Be attuned to subtle cues or inconsistencies in responses. For example – if a reference rates adaptability poorly, ask leading questions to clear doubts or address concerns.
  2. Send Cultural Fit Assessments: Use reference checks to assess cultural compatibility, understand how candidates collaborate with teams, and contribute to the overall workplace dynamic.
  3. Implement Feedback: Ask references to rate your policy process. Continuously refine your reference check policy based on evolving business needs, ensuring that it remains a dynamic tool in your strategic HR arsenal.


A meticulous approach to reference checks is an investment in the success and longevity of your growing business in Edinburgh.

By integrating this guide into your hiring practices, you not only ensure the quality of your team but also contribute to the thriving business community in this dynamic city.

Want to catch up with us on implementing the reference check process in your company?

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