Background Checks in India – AMS Inform

Background screening is a general procedure in India. This practice is becoming more popular due to an increase in CV fraud in India. This happens when job seekers misrepresent their self in resumes and cover letters.

Background screening has become more important because of this phenomenon. A survey on economic crime found that HR misrepresentation negatively affects companies.It is important to avoid this, particularly when candidates claim false abilities. According to the report, economic crimes like HR fraud can have a negative impact on:

  • A company’s bottom line
  • Reduce employee morale
  • Business relationships can be negatively affected
  • It can damage a company’s reputation and brand.

Because of the high risk involved in hiring in India and the potential for human resource fraud, employers should seriously consider setting up a background screening program.

A solid background screening program can help you find the right credentials for temporary, part-time and full-time workers.

Before launching a program, companies in India need to be familiar with Indian legal and cultural norms.

It is crucial to remember that applicants must always consent to background checks in India. Before providing verification information, schools and employers will often ask for the applicant’s written authorization.

Background Checks Available in India

These are the most popular background checks in India:

  • Verification of education
  • Verification of employment history
  • Criminal records checks
  • Professional checks

Other checks are also available, such as checking the candidate’s motor vehicle records. This is normally carried out only when these are significant for the job or industry. Before providing verification information, it is common for a school or employer to request authorization in writing.

India Criminal Records Search– Searches for criminal records in India are done at the local police station. Many records are kept in paper format rather than electronically.

For rural areas and police stations not equipped with the most efficient technology, turnaround times can be slower.

Today, there are multiple databases and ecourts database which can also be used to run such searches.

Requirements : Name of father, Name, Date, Full Address, Release Form.

India Civil Records Search– The India Civil Record search can be done at the local level. The report may contain the name of the court where the case was filed, type, case number and file date. If a case can also be found, it will also include disposition.

Requirements : Name, address, and date of birth.

India Bankruptcy Records Search– This search can be done through:

  • Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
  • The Insolvency &; Bankruptcy Board of India
  • National Company Law Tribunal

Reports may include the case number, name and date of filing, as well as file date and status, if possible, for bankruptcy cases.

Requirements : Full name of the individual (including Alias, Surname, and Surname, if applicable), Fathers Name. Complete address with Postal Code. Address History, if possible. Government issued ID.

Verification of Educational Degree In India – Contact educational institutions to verify degree information, graduation dates, and attendance.

Common practice is to verify the highest degree a candidate has earned. Schools often charge additional fees without prior notice.

Requirements : Name of school, address of school, DOB. Degree, copy of degree. Major. Dates of attendance. Release form. Often, all year’s marks sheets will be required.

Previous Employment’s Verification In India – Normally, previous employers are contacted for verifying the candidate’s employment dates, title, and eligibility for rehire. Employment verifications are typically limited to a seven-year period unless there is a legal or regulatory requirement.

Only current employers will be contacted if the applicant consents.

Requirements : Name of previous employer, date of employment, DOB, candidate’s contact information, job title, employee ID, and release form. Sometimes, additional documentation is required such as a letter of relieving. Candidates in India are often required to verify their last seven years of employment. Employers will contact the candidate to verify their employment dates, title, and eligibility for rehire.

Reference Check India -This search can be done by telephone or e-mail using standard questions and the individual’s professional or personal references.

Requirements : Reference’s relationship, Applicant DOB and contact information (including email address and phone number).

Motor Vehicle Records -The motor vehicle records search will verify if the individual has a driver’s licence.

Global Monitor Check – The Global Monitor Check (GMC), a database product, searches many databases.

ID Check India – Validation and/or verification the subject’s identity documents.

Requirements : Name, Address and DOB. Identification Card and Consent Form.

Directorship Search in India: A search to find out if a candidate was a fiduciary or board member for a company.

India offers many other background checks, such as passport checks and license checks. For more information about available searches and turnaround times, contact your background check provider.

The information provided is intended to be educational and not legal advice. Consultation with qualified legal counsel is highly recommended due to the complexity of the relevant laws and regulations.

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