Trade-off between privacy and background screening

background screening
background screening

There are many who oppose the employment background screening process on the ground that it violates the individual’s privacy. There can be many angles to this argument, including, what about the right of organizations and businesses to protect themselves against fraudulent employments and criminal risks. After all as an organization you are putting a lot at stake when you are trusting an individual and hiring him or her.

Recent instances of fake degrees and diplomas, and misrepresentations of information on resumes haven’t helped the situation much. Organizations are compelled to work with agencies that can carry out extensive background screening exercises in order to weed out the malefactors among the genuinely deserving job applicants.

At AMS Inform we agree that it is a trade-off but it is a necessary evil. Just because there are certain individuals resorting to unfair means in order to obtain employment, everybody has to go through this process. Sometimes a situation cannot be helped. Suppose you have had a drinking problem and due to that you got in some sort of financial mess. Using resolve and determination you came out of that situation, gave up drinking and re-established yourself as a hard-working, sincere individual. It may have sullied your record back then, but right now you are totally clean.

Our job is to provide that information to the organization who has hired us to dig out such facts. It is up to the organization then whether it wants to hold your old history against you or not. Unfortunately some organizations may decide to go against hiring you. What is the solution? You may try to present your case and convince them that now you’re totally reliable and can be trusted with crucial job responsibilities. Of course the best thing to do is keep your record clean from the beginning.

Now see this from the perspective of the organization. As already mentioned above a lot is at stake. In case they end up hiring a person they shouldn’t have hired they stand to lose too much in terms of money, reputation and litigation. Sometimes hiring criminals can be tantamount to colluding with them and this can bring down the entire business.

So seeing it in this light it becomes necessary for organizations to partner with pre-employment background screening agencies to verify all the details supplied by the job applicant even at the cost of compromising somebody’s privacy.

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