How Long Does a Proper Background Check Take?

Background Check Timelines
Background Check Timelines

Whenever a company hires a new recruit, a lot is at stake. Will that person be a fit for the company? Will they add value to the workplace? But most importantly, will they be a fit for the role? Is there a chance of them causing problems in the workplace?And that’s where background checks come in. With a thorough background check, companies get an in-depth understanding of various aspects of a candidate’s personality.How do they handle money, what kind of conduct can one expect from them, and are they making any false claims? A Background check reveals all about the candidate!Background checks take a look into the work history, criminal records, medical history, validity of qualifications, etc…×-400px-6.jpg

How Long do Pre-Employment Background Checks take?

There is no straight answer to the question of how long pre-employment background checks take. Candidates are especially concerned about the process is quite time-consuming. A lot of employers avoid conducting in-depth checks because of the same fair.After all, companies are often in quick hiring mode! The time a background check takes usually depends on various factors. From identity verification to digging into court and media records, thorough checks involve so much! Naturally, the exact time they’d take will differ on a case-by-case basis.But if we were to give you an average on how long background checks take, it would be two to five business days.Now, if you want to estimate the time frame for a background check. You can ask yourself certain questions such as:

  • Is the background check for a senior level hiring?

    If it is, it is likely to take up to ten days. Why? Because senior-level hiring will obviously need an even more in-depth look into the candidate’s records. Everything from the financial history to the most minute misconduct needs to be checked for such positions.

  • How willing is the candidate to work with you for the check?

    The quickest background checks are when the employer and the candidate work together diligently. After all, background checks involve getting through quite a lot of authorizations and completing a number of release forms.

The quickest background checks are when the employer and the candidate work together diligently. After all, background checks involve getting through quite a lot of authorizations and completing a number of release forms.

How much time does it take to complete a background check at Employment?

The duration for a background check at employment, again, depends on various factors. To estimate a time for that, you will have to take into account the checks that are taken.Most commonly, employers conduct checks on a candidate’s work history, educational qualifications, and criminal history. Now, the most common thing people lie about on their resume is years of experience. This tells us why employers focus so much on checking a candidate’s work history.

How long does a Criminal Background check take?

Nearly 33% of individuals living in the United States have a criminal record of some kind. Naturally, criminal background checks are important for companies to make sure they don’t hire bad apples.After all, every company wants to create a safe space for their employees and clients/customers. One bad hiring and it can lead to companies losing millions of dollars.For instance, workplace violence leads to American businesses losing anywhere between $250 billion and $330 billion every year!

Average Duration for a Criminal Background Check

Go a few years back and criminal background checks used to take several weeks. But today, with all the technology we have, these checks have become much easier to conduct. On average, a criminal background check today will take two to three business days.×-400px-1-2.jpgIf you own a company, it is your responsibility to protect your business, property, and employees. And that’s why a company should never ever skip criminal history checks while hiring.After all, from rising employee theft to workplace violence, businesses have a lot on their plate to protect themselves from! That’s why it is vital to find a company that can conduct quick and thorough criminal background checks.

Turnaround Times for Other Background Checks

As discussed above, companies conduct a variety of background checks on candidates. Naturally, the time each of these checks takes also differs. Some checks will take as little as a day while others might stretch for a week in some cases.So, let’s take a look at the turnaround times for the most common background checks in the United States.

Driving Records Background Checks

A background check for driving is also known as the MVR (Motor Vehicle Record) search. On average, these checks will take anywhere between one to three business days.The process for these checks can take a lot more time if the candidate has lived in different states. When that happens, companies have to check records from all those states. Naturally, it ends up delaying the background check.×-400px-2-2.jpgAlso, driving background checks can back 3 to 10 years while screening the candidate. Of course, this depends on the state laws and regulations.

Credit Background Checks

A Credit Background check involves looking at credit bureau records. It is a deep dive into how the candidate has handled money in the past. Do they have a history of overdue payments? Do they have any allegations of financial fraud against them?After all, more than 30% of business bankruptcies occur as a result of employee theft. When you take a look at such alarming statistics, you will understand the importance of knowing the answers to the questions we asked in the paragraph above.Now, a credit background check takes somewhere between 24 to 48 hours. The duration does not differ a lot in the case of these checks.

Gun Background Checks

Conducting Gun Background checks have proved beneficial for a lot of states in the USA. States that require background checks while buying a firearm witness low homicide and suicide rates.Contrary to what many people think, a background check on everyone who wants to buy a firearm is no burdensome affair. With the right policy and organization, some states have made the process quick and efficient.×-400px-3-2.jpgOn average, a gun background check takes somewhere between five to ten days.

Federal Background Checks

A Federal Background check looks into criminal cases that are on the federal level. Some examples of these crimes include fraud, tax evasion, robbery, and some white-collar crimes. Identity theft, kidnapping, and counterfeiting currency are some other crimes these checks look into.Usually, these federal background checks take just one day to be completed. But if something questionable is found on record, these checks might get delayed.Federal background checks are usually done while hiring for senior executive positions. Recruitment for law enforcement officers and other public sector employees also involves these checks!

Common Causes of Background Check Delay

Estimating the time for a background check depends on various factors. Whatever your estimate might be for a background check, it can be nothing more than a vague estimate. But in some cases, background checks are delayed.Now, there can be several reasons why a background check takes more time than it usually should. Some of these reasons are as follows:

International Background Checks

When a background check is conducted within the confines of a country, it takes up less time. On the other hand, if records from several countries need to be checked, a background check takes a lot more time.When working with countries that are cooperative, international background checks don’t take that much time. But, if you are dealing with countries that have lots of protective laws, an international background check can take several weeks.×-400px-4-1.jpg

Weekends & Closures

Weekends and holidays are some of the other basic reasons why a background check can face a delay. Holidays, national emergencies, and other similar events can cause closures and it will most likely thwart a background check.But even if a background check takes more time than expected, it is worth it for companies to conduct a thorough background check. Especially when you look at the percentage of people who give false references on their resumes.And that, unfortunately, is only the tip of the iceberg. There are lots of other reasons that make employee background checks vital.But how to find a good background check company? Here are some factors to consider!

Selecting the Right Company for Background Checks

With the speed with which companies hire today, turnaround time is the most important factor when choosing a background check company. After all, you would want a company that conducts quick background checks that are also thorough.When you choose AMS Inform for your background checks, turnaround time is not something you need to worry about. Our background checks involve a mix of technology and rigorous on-field investigation.The best part about choosing AMS for your background checks is that you can opt for a free trial.

In Conclusion,

The idea of background checks is making sure that your workplace is safe for one and all. And that’s why these checks are so incredibly important.Occasionally, these background checks can be time-consuming. But the time that goes into these will be worth it as you will avoid hiring those who are not fit to work for you!And if you want these checks to be quick all the time, you know which company to choose, don’t you? We wish you all the best on your background checks! And may your workplace be as safe and positive as possible!

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